Does technology breeds laziness?

In this 21st era of scientific triumphs, human civilization, with techno-craft advancement and sensory technologies, has created numerous small global villages in a prolific manner which professes a major testimonial to the ethical and techno-development of the world community. It has always been a counteract part for the major difficulties faced by the technophiles in the process of ongoing innovations. Due to this, technology has been thought to create a smooth pace of luxurious technocracy in future. Technological aspects have made us indifferent to the taste of labour and the gulp of deserving wages as a major culprit for laziness among the new generation and creeping society.
Although there has been a lot of progress in our societies, mostly through the sole support of technology, human dependency over elite technological aspects in an extensive manner is becoming a staple element for the blooming laziness among us. And this sort of deviation from our core responsibilities and inevitable works of daily life can cause havoc in the continuity of community development and advancement of virtual worlds in an intense manner. In this intervening period, on the other hand, customary codes of social behaviour within the social entities among the social beings are being diverted towards the path of devastation where also the breeding of improper social conduct and effortless trials due to lack of dexterity gets a cosy place for the blooming and yields despondency in humans as a foreteller of gloomy days in future. With the increment in electronic gadgets and elite materials of technology in daily lives, laziness and carelessness has been claimed as the beneficial boon in our devolving from the core part of our mind of which the intellectual sector of our brain has been lessened to the verge of extinction which can pose severity for us in upcoming days. And this procedural act of our diminution in our intelligence, creativity, innovativeness and unreflective urge to do something is reflected in our doings which are no more stimulant enough to create history as of the milestone times in past when there were no breeding of laziness. So these things help us to think about the pros and cons of technology regarding our drawbacks and the inability to cope with our self-made instruments that have the sole purpose of extending their involvement in every risky and hard task.
Nowadays, people have started becoming more and more dependent on every simple and minute task they are capable of without being helped by any electronic instruments, but with a pathetic heart, we are bound to comment that they have to build up some unaccustomed thoughts and mixed up some weird feelings against self-realization and self-esteem of being a super controller and manufacturer of those machines and technology that they have mistakenly sensed wrong as an enslaved person for their day-to-day works. We can even analyze our subject matter from things we do in our daily life like taking a bath with the desired temperature of water from the shower to the use of wireless cell phones from a distant place in a part of the globe and the large scale use of huge equipment in the construction of mega-structures. From every small to big task, we use our technology and try to grab as many benefits as possible for our ease and comfort. And hence this way of our grabbing benefits for just our ease in every move of our working has exceeded the limits which are the main theme of our discussion about the disadvantages of technology as a breeding body of laziness in us.
Without negating the pervasiveness of our self-created and self-imagined technology as a ubiquitous donor of all times since our past till the future generations with whom we have a compulsion to cope, our human society of all the standards and access to our technology of varied forms have an urgency in front of us of understanding our limits and our ways of using our technology in all exigent times for flawless achievements so that our future would have no any option left to point out our blunders due to our laziness.

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